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Read by Kim Somers
Russian Language
Translated by Samad Mammadov
Spanish Language
Translated by Arturo Juan Rodríguez Sevilla
Chinese language
Translated by Li Jingjing
French Language
Translated by Christophe Desbois-Farlay
Edited by
Portuguese Language
Translated by Leticia Santos
5 star review from Mary Enck
Fascinating take on history.
The characters in this novel are wonderful in their diverse personalities. It makes their adventure all the more interesting and it is impossible not to care about them. I loved the dialogue and how they developed such a deep camaraderie in the face of such overwhelming circumstances. It is a testament to their strength to see how the author guides them to deal with their challenges.
The story lands these unlikely people back, way back, in time. Hannibal crossing the Alps complete with all the fanfare, elephants, an army that exceeds any other and true grit is a unique setting to discover for a group of hard tack Marines. I really enjoyed reading this novel and I can say from my perspective, it has all the elements of a fascinating story. I would love to see it made into a film.
Excerpt from Chapter Two
A dozen children jogged along the side of the trail, passing the carts. They wore short sarongs made of a rough tan fabric extending to their knees. Except for one of them, they were bare above the waist and dark complected, but not black. They carried bulging goat skin bags with straps over their shoulders. Each one held a wooden bowl in his hand. The bowls were attached to their wrists by a length of leather.
One of the boys spotted Alexander’s platoon and came running to them. He stopped in front of Karina, tilted his goat skin to fill his bowl with a clear liquid. With his head bowed low and using both hands, he held the bowl out to Karina.
“Thank you.” She took the bowl and lifted it toward her lips.
“Hold on,” Sergeant Alexander said.
“What?” Karina asked.
“You don’t know what that is.”
“It looks like water, Sarge.”
Sergeant Alexander came over to her, dipped his finger into the bowl, then touched it to his tongue. He smacked his lips. “All right, take a small sip.”
“Not after you stuck your finger in it.” She grinned at him. “Kidding.” She took a sip, then drank half the bowl. “Thank you, very much.” She handed the bowl back to the boy.
He took the bowl but still wouldn’t look at her. He kept his eyes on the ground at her feet.
When the other children saw Karina drink from the bowl, four of them, three boys and the one girl in the group, hurried over to serve water to the rest of the platoon. All of them kept their heads bowed, never looking at the soldiers’ faces.
The Last Mission of the Seventh Cavalry
Book One
​A unit of the Seventh Cavalry is on a mission over Afghanistan when their plane is hit by something. The soldiers bail out of the crippled plane, but when the thirteen men and women reach the ground, they are not in Afghanistan. Not only are they four thousand miles from their original destination but it appears they have descended two thousand years into the past where primitive forces fight each other with swords and arrows. Apparently they have dropped right into Hannibal’s army as he is on his way to the Alps to take his soldiers and elephants over the Alps and into Italy to attack the Romans. The platoon is thrown into a battle where they must choose sides quickly or die. They are swept along in a tide of events so powerful that their courage, ingenuity and weapons are tested to the limits of their durability and strength.